Thursday, April 26, 2012


So we were out enjoying a beautiful day loose running dogs and then...
Hoodscoop-he got hit the worst.

Truk-13 years old and still too dumb to avoid it.
Two other dogs got it, too, but not as bad-forgot to take pics of them-Thunder and Brian, because by that time we were so tired of the job.  Needless to say, the rest of this lovely day-like five hours or so total, was spent pulling quills out of dogs, and we have been checking them over every day since and finding more quills all the time.  Then, two days later, we took another group of dogs out to the same area (duh) and two of them managed to find a baby porkie and got more quills.  Luckily, those two were pretty well behaved and only took like a half hour each to extract the quills.  We are not going back there again!  On the plus side, out of 26 total dogs, only six total got stuck. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Still Loose Running Dogs...

Pretty much been loose running dogs on a daily basis, though now we've started running two groups of 13, so each dog is getting out more often, and they've been behaving really well.
Cloud found a deer hide "prize".

Down in a ravine by the Lake.

Old man Truk-age 14 years.

Foreground dogs Hail, Chico, Scooby Doo, Breeze(front),Cloud, Rain, Traveler.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Loose Running Dogs

We are back to loose running dogs now that sledding is all done.  We bought two four wheelers to train dogs with this year, but they both need a bit of work, so until they are ready, we are just going for walks with groups of eight dogs at a time. 
Cloud-now 9 months old.
Brian (white dog) and Lara.
Stimpy-we think he's about 13 yrs. or so.
Hoodscoop-he's one of my all the time wheel dogs.
Brian-my other all the time wheel dog.
Pinstripe-Hoodscoop's brother.