Thursday, November 13, 2014


We've been getting hammered with snow for four days now, the kids had a snow day from school on Tuesday and are being let out early today, Thursday due to our crazy lake effect snow.  Still coming down hard with at least two feet on the ground!  Probably more like 30" really, plus winds causing drifting.  Now we're in for some pretty cold temperatures, too.  We've been living in the U.P. for 16 years or so and have never seen anything like this, especially this early in the season! Our training has been going well but now we will be at a standstill for at least a few days while we try to figure out what to do with all this snow!  We haven't even gotten the dogs to their winter dog yard, and we're really going to have to figure out how we're going to do it-they need to be down by the driveway and they need all of their houses in rows against the north wind, the summer yard is just random and haphazard and some of the houses are almost facing the north wind right now.  ARGH! 
  But at least we'll be able to get on the runners as soon as we get this all straightened out, maybe the earliest start to sled season we've ever had!

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