Thursday, October 6, 2011

Good Samaritans?

So, as previously mentioned, we train on dryland (no snow) using a golf cart with no motor.  Said golf cart is kind of a bulky, heavy, slightly awkward pain n the butt to have to load up, unload, reload and unload again, which is what we have to do every day that we train, in that sequence, with the running of dogs in between the unload, reload parts.  So we got the great (theoretically) idea to just leave the cart at our training site, which is kinda out in the woods, chaining it to a tree with a heavy log chain and a heavy padlock.  We put our kennel name, address, and phone number on it in permanent marker thinking that if anyone had a problem or question about it being there, they could contact us.  It worked out fine for about a week.  The next week, we moved its location a bit, as we move around our parking spot according to which trails we want to use and how far we want to go.  Mistake. 
   Here's where the "Good Samaritans" come into play.  On Sunday afternoon, a friendly police officer stopped by to ask us if we have a golf cart and if we knew that its out on Powers Rd.  I of course told him we did, and he told me that he had gotten a call about it because someone thought it might have been stolen and dumped out in the woods.  Really.  Chained and padlocked with our name written on it?  Okay.  So I told him why it was there and asked him if it was alright that it was there.  He said he saw no problem with it as long as he didn't keep getting calls about it. 
    Unfortunately, by Monday afternoon, we had gotten several calls on our machine while we were out of the house, and then a police officer called us to let us know that we "needed to pick up the cart as soon as we get the time" because he had gotten so many calls.  Who would've thought so many people could get so concerned about a beat up old golf cart with no motor in it, chained and padlocked to a tree with contact info plainly visible?  Guess we didn't think it out well enough.  We should have put a sign on it saying what it was for and that it was, indeed, not stolen?
   So now we are back to having to load, unload, reload, and unload again every day that we want to train.
Thank goodness for "Good Samaritans"  Seriously, we're glad they're out there, but this time, it might have been better if they weren't out by Powers Rd. so much!  :)

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