We've been running the sled dogs a lot, but we have four little dogs that often get overlooked for exercise, so yesterday we decided to take them up to Little Girls Point, on the shore of Lake Superior, which is about 10 miles from our house. There is very little snow right on the shore line, and the lake is nice scenery in the winter as well as the summer, so it was a really nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon in mid January. The weather was nice for it, about 25 degrees or so. There was no one else up there and we decided to check out some of the things that we can't during any other time of year- a rental lodge that is closed in the winter, which we simply walked up to and wandered around outside, and a ropes course in the forest nearby the lodge. Our daughter, Autumn, was with, and she had spent a couple days there about three years ago for Camp Superior, a program that sixth graders get to enjoy through their school.
Tika enjoying stretching her legs. |
Shorty rolling in god knows what-we suspect deer pee. |
Autumn overlooking the beach we swim at in the summer. |
Autumn down on the beach. |
Jeremy and his buddies out over the water-the ice just piles up on the shore-the lake doesn't usually freeze very far from shore. |
Tika. |
Autumn and Spike, Jeremy and Shorty. |
Autumn reminiscing the high ropes course. |
She apparently had to climb this wall twice. We didn't make her this time. |
Low ropes. |
This is the exercise that they do during the course. Harder than it looks I guess. |
Boris climbed this ladder like it was any old steps! I was impressed. |
Got Shorty to go this high. |
And Spike would only go this high. |
Cute little tiny mouse tracks. |
Deer congregate up at Little Girls Point because the snow is not so deep. This is one of several spots we came across where a deer had been resting-laying down. |
The view out back of the lodge. |
The dogs sniffing another spot that a deer had been laying down-on the VERY edge of the cliff down to the lake. Seemed like a strange spot-if it had been startled or spooked by anything, it almost certainly would have fallen over the edge. |
A small gathering of deer at a house right near the Point-the people who live here feed the deer, which attracts tons of them, but we were there at the wrong time to see the big herd that comes for the feedings and only caught this small group. |
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