Monday, February 6, 2012

Jeremy's First Race

So, finally, after 12 years of having sled dogs, Jeremy entered his first race.  He raced the six dog sportsman class at the Apostle Islands Sled Dog Race in Bayfield, Wisconsin.  Its a little over 18 miles a day for two days, and he took seventh out of 16 overall.  We are pleased with the results, the dogs did well for their first time under any kind of pressure.  Racing is different from training.  The dogs have to deal with crowds of people at the starting chute, and at different spectator spots along the trail, along with all the other teams on the trail and in the parking lot.  It was also very warm, 40 degrees or so with the sun shining the whole time, so that was added stress, but they all did well and finished both days happy and healthy, which is what we really wanted.
Jeremy eating some snacks before the big start.
Our friend, Matt, in the chute of his race, the 6 dog pro, about 30 miles a day for 2 days.  He took 4th place.
Matt's daughter, Mallory, also ran the 6 dog pro and took 5th place.
Jeremy's team in the chute day 1-I'm holding the leaders.
Jeremy leaving the chute day 1- leaders-George, Thunder, team-Hail, Scout, wheel-Chico,Aspen
My sister, Jennifer, and my dad, came out to see the race on Saturday, along with friends, Joe, and his girlfriend, Shauneah.  After Jeremy left the start, we all drove out to a nice spot about halfway through his race to get some pics and video of him going by.
From left-Jennifer, Joe, my dad in the chair, and Shauneah.  The weather was so nice and warm for the spectators, but it was too warm for the dogs.
Jeremy coming through the spectator spot-looking good.
In chute day 2.
Leaving chute day 2-leaders-Aspen, Thunder, team-Scout, Hail, wheel-George, Chico.
He had to stop and switch leaders out on both days- starting with Scout in team both days and putting her in lead replacing George on day one and Aspen on day two.  Guess he should have started with Scout in lead, but she had seemed so nervous before the race, we weren't sure she'd be able to handle it, seems we were wrong!  He also managed to actually roll his sled taking a corner on the first day, but held on and didn't lose the team.  His overall time for about 37 miles total for the two days was 3:33:03, which is pretty good for our dogs, they are not super fast race dogs, so we are happy with it.  The next adventure is in two weeks-he entered the Jack Pine 30, which starts in Gwinn, MI, and ends in Marquette, MI, and starts the day after the UP 200 and Midnight Run starts.

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