and lots of steps...
There's a suspension bridge that takes you on an "island". Its only technically sometimes that its an island, only when the water is really high.
This is the view from the bridge. Luckily the rain held off a bit while we were hiking on the island.
Elliot and Ryan on a big rock on the island, and Boris is there too.
Autumn and Spike by the rock.
The boys skipping rocks in Lake Superior.
Autumn on the shore. The waves were rolling in.
From front to back: Ryan, Autumn, Jeremy, and Elliot climbing up what is a waterfall when the water is high
Tadpoles in one of the puddles.
Some of the waterfalls.
Ryan and Elliot by some falls.
Then we went up to Lake of the Clouds. It was very windy, cool, and wet.
Ryan, Elliot, and Autumn. Boris and Spike, too.
Elliot decided he didn't want to wear his wet t-shirt. Pretty sure the other people bundled up in jackets thought we were all crazy. Him for taking his shirt off and his folks for letting him.
The crazy adults who drug the kids out in the crappy weather. Think everyone had a pretty good time, though. Better than sitting home all the time.
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