Saturday, June 4, 2011

So this is our new blog. Just learning all this, so bear with me.
If you're reading this, you should like dogs. Its gonna be mostly that, but we are also going to include other aspects of our daily life here in da U.P. Family stuff and any other adventures we may have. We also have a small farm,if you will, including chickens, guinea fowl, pheasants, rabbits, cats, etc.
But mostly it will be about the dogs. They are the one of the biggest aspects of our lives. We live a vey "doggie" lifestyle.
The purpose of our blog is to journal for our own enjoyment and also to keep in touch with people we know and maybe to meet new people we don't!
This is our dogyard. Always a work in progress. Right now all the dogs have barrel doghouses on the ground, the plan is to get them up in off the ground on frames, like this-
This way they can get under for shade, and get out of the mud, too.
A couple of gratuitious dog pics:
We also have 4 small dogs who live in the house with us, along with our main, main lead dog Thunder:
3 of the 4 little guys in "jail"

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