Monday, June 13, 2011

Summertime on our Little Farm

Summertime is a slow time with the dogs, but busy with the other critters.

Bantam chickens of some sort.  There is three hens
in this nest setting on eggs.  Yes, they have more nests, but they would rather all sit on one I guess.  The chicks started hatching yesterday, but they haven't left the nest yet and I could not get any in the picture.  They may be small, but those hens get awfully ornery when it comes to protecting those chicks, so I don't disturb them too much.

Also found this batch of eggs in the weeds near the bird shed.  They belong to the guinea fowl.  We assume one of those hens will take on the setting responsibility for them soon.  This is our first summer with full grown guinea.  I don't recommend them if you don't like ALOT of unnecessary noise!
If they are nearby, you can't even carry on conversation. Bores into your head have to admit that I think we have fewer ticks than usual.  I hope.

                                         Guinea Fowl
Another type of bird we have here are ringnecked pheasants.  Two hens and a rooster.  It seems like most things I've read about them cause you to assume the hens won't set on eggs, but one of our hens is setting like a pro.  We'll see if it comes to anything. Another thing we discovered about pheasants is that they eat slugs.  We always have slug problems with the tomatoes in the garden.  Problem is, the pheasants don't stay home like chickens or guineas, so we can't put them in the garden.  We'd have to fence it completely in, top as well as sides. Too much .  Oh well.

The view from the deck in the evening when we let the chickens out.

We have four rabbits that get fed only green stuff picked for them every evening.  During the winter, they get pellets and hay.

One of the seven farm cats and one of the two large roosters.

The view of the back of the house from our back "pasture"  Thats the bird shed in the foreground.

The moon over the back "pasture".

Good night.

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